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Women In Mining

Women in Mining

Promoting Opportunities for Women in Mining Through Leadership Education

The mining industry is at a critical juncture. The accelerated development of critical minerals has revealed an urgent talent gap, which can be closed by increasing the participation of women in mining. Women, representing just 8-17% of the global mining workforce, can be part of the solution. As industry leaders, we possess the tools and influence to make a transformative change. The time to act is now.

Women in Mining by the Numbers

  1. In Canada alone, women make up 19% of the workforce in mining but are exiting at mid-to-senior levels.
  2. A staggering 63% of Canada’s 35 largest mining organizations have less than 20% women in the workforce, and
  3. 80% have less than 30% in leadership roles.

With a looming labour shortage expected to reach upwards of 120,000 by 2023, we cannot afford to lose valuable talent.

The Solution: Phased Education Seminars

To overcome these barriers, we’re launching a series of phased education seminars aimed at creating inclusive workspaces. These seminars will equip industry leaders like you with the knowledge and tools to transform your organizations. Focusing on actionable targets as measured by the Global Reporting Initiative and aligned with Towards Sustainable Mining, our programs offer concrete steps toward achieving a more equitable and prosperous future for everyone in mining.

Why You Should Help Us Promote Women in Mining

By helping us develop opportunities for women, you’ll not only fill the talent gap but also positively impact your triple bottom line—people, planet, and prosperity.  We help prepare for a robust and expanding market, and with your support, you create leadership in a market that needs help promoting women in mining.

Take Action

Feel inspired? We invite you to explore our education programs and take the first step toward creating a more inclusive mining industry. Together, we can shape a future where everyone has an opportunity to thrive.