Leadership training to promote women in mining

Education to Create Opportunities for Women in Mining

Our mission is to shape the future of responsible mining through advanced education that creates opportunities for women. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned professional in the industry, our purpose-driven workshops and training programs aim to deepen your expertise and sharpen your skill set in essential areas. Our training is versatile and can be delivered in a private setting tailored to your organization’s specific needs or as part of public workshops open to a broader audience.

Trainings to Promote Women in Mining

Understanding equity, diversity, and inclusion may seem like a daunting endeavour for some leaders.  You may want to understand your road to allyship, how to develop active listening skills, and how to support diverse people.  Our Executive Director, is a certified yoga teacher with a mining business acumen.  Peggy understands the need for a safe space to learn and creates an environment where you can ask your questions.

Become a champion of inclusivity and fairness in your organization. As part of our not-for-profit initiative, this EDI training extends beyond conventional paradigms, focusing on actionable, transformative strategies tailored to the mining sector.

Learn how to integrate your organization’s core values into all facets of your talent attraction and retention. Our not-for-profit workshops guide you through the journey of understanding why you are in business and developing the processes you need to communicate your values. All while understanding how to attract and retain more women in the mining sector.

Our Executive Director  is an engaging and experienced speaker, having recently given a TEDx talk on the importance of attracting diverse talent to the mining sector.  Each of our educational programs are offered in a condensed version to help boards understand the challenges women experience, how to develop a supportive culture, and increase retention of high-performing talent.

Register Your Interest

Become a catalyst for positive change in the mining sector. As a nonprofit initiative, your education supports our overarching mission to pioneer a more sustainable, equitable, and innovative future in mining.